
Live Rabbit Webcams

By Sandy Chebat
Published in Chewy Pet Central
August 26, 2015 featured this Brooklyn Bunny Facebook video from December 21, 2014.

(Brooklyn Bunny excerpt)
The Brooklyn Bunny Cam features Roebling, a Dwarf Hotot house rabbit. Recommended viewing is between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. (EST) to see him enjoying his rabbit life. Catch him eating oaties, relaxing in a variety of napping poses and being King of the Puff Stack. On an extra fun day, you might catch Roebling rearranging things, like when he recently transported the hay basket from his open play area into his house.

Boasted as the longest-running house rabbit webcam in history, The Brooklyn Bunny Cam went live on August 28, 2005, when design partners Kevin Dresser and Kate Johnson, of the design firm DresserJohnson, were asked to foster a rabbit for the weekend.

Because they were setting up a rabbit-sitting service that would offer live webcams for owners to check in on their rabbits remotely they tested the live streaming with their foster bunny.

“He was super cute and seemed well-behaved, and it felt so good to have him around, why would we give him back on Monday?” Dresser said.

They named their new house rabbit Roebling after John A. Roebling, designer of the Brooklyn Bridge, and though they scrapped the rabbit-sitting business, they continued their mission of electronically transmitting soft, white soothing bunny-joy throughout the world.

In 2008, the couple added a donation option to help cover the posting fees and a Facebook page where visitors can check out the latest happenings and upcoming Roebling events.

If active, the original story can be found at the link below.